Verdragend Landschap /Performance

Credits, support and technical info

Title: Verdragend Landschap (ENG: Carrying Landscape)
Performers: Emma Hanekroot, Emma Versluys
Concept and creation: Peeled Collective
Dramaturg: Merit Vessies

Duration: 20min.

The creation of this production was made possible with the support of Cultuur Oost, Erfgoed Gelderland, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Provincie Gelderland and Verhaal van Gelderland Festival 

Carrying Landscape is a duet inspired by the Dutch Waterline. It has the same theme as the short film we created with the similar title.


In this duet we see diverse characters exploring memories of how their life took shape.

What impacted them in clear and subtle ways? They search for what lies buried

underneath their own skin and the skin of the other.


The bunkers of the Dutch Waterline are spread throughout the country as the spine of

the defense mechanism. Like a rotting body of which only bones are left. An abandoned

place that has grown into the landscape through the passage of time.

What is hidden in the (emotional) layers of the landscape and that of ourselves? What

happens when those layers are exposed?

In this performance we move in a short time through the memories of the landscape.

The performance takes us through emotions and experiences that still exist in our

bodies. A large or small moment in time that then dissolves again, leaving seemingly

invisible traces. We embody the moments and people that impacted us before and

question how they still impact our lives. Even when they are not with us anymore. How

did others shape us and our lives? What have they left behind underneath our skin?

What is our landscape carrying?




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